Inspired By Excellence & Innovation

We offer a wide range of high quality of teaching and extra-curricular activities.


A One-Stop solution for parents in order to ease them in bringing up their children. 一站式服务

Provides the framework around which all of our learning activities are structured. These activities are delivered by fully qualified teachers and educators using specific learning contexts that are designed to maximise learning outcomes. 提供完善的学习活动,由资深的教师和教育工作者,使用具体的学习环境以达到最大的学习成果

Sri Pintar is complemented by extracurricular enrichment activities provided by specialist teachers visiting the centre on a scheduled basis. 提供课外活动

To ensure each and every child that graduates from our Sri Pintar Academy is fully prepared for their next educational step. 确保每个孩子从Sri Pintar毕业的学生,为他们下一个里程碑做好充分的准备

Helping the society and parents to grow a talented future generation. 培育才华横懈的下一代,成为社会的栋梁

Helping the poor and the weaker society in need. 帮助弱小社群

Our Services



Our curriculum is an integrated approach of Montessori Method, STREAM, Thematic learning and KSPK syllabus. With this combination approach, we support their development and learning in ways such as: Helping children make sense of what they are being taught. They are able to retain more information and relate to real-world experiences. They become active seekers of knowledge....


Enrichment Class

1.Extends beyond the subjects that are taught in schools such as learning a foreign language, music, drama, art and sports 2.Help the child explore learning in a fun and interactive manner 3.Improves self-confidence 4.Enhancing and upgrading themselves for their future 1.超越学校所教导的科目,例如外语,音乐,戏剧,艺术和体育 2.帮助孩子以有趣与互动的方式探索事物 3.提高自信心 4.提升自我价值


Tuition Academy

1.An extra guidance which will complement the school syllabus 依据学校课程,针对性教导 2.Small group coaching 小班制 3.Latest syallabus and exam (KSSR, SEMAKAN, KBAT, HOTS) 最新教学与考试格式



1."Halal Friendly Food" with balance diet in mind 2.Homework coaching 1. 清真食品,均衡饮食 2. 作业指导

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